
About Elona Karafin

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So far Elona Karafin has created 333 blog entries.
7 10, 2019

7 Things you must do in NYC

2021-02-17T21:56:45+00:00popular, Thing to Do|0 Comments

New York City is likely to hold a place on many people’s travel bucket lists! The City that never sleeps has so many things to offer its visitors. It would be almost impossible to do and see all of the things that New York is famous for in just one trip, so here are some of the best things to do and see in NYC. 

7 10, 2019

Startup Conveniences That Really Do Help

2019-10-07T12:31:04+00:00tips|0 Comments

As a startup owner, you likely have many things on your mind. How to grow your brand, how to make use of what little revenue you have or how to secure loyal returning customers or clients can all seem quite daunting. But it’s possible. And to make it more possible, you may need to consider what conveniences or little systems you can set up to help you achieve your goals.

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