If you have the amazing job of being a freelancer then you will already know that you can work absolutely anywhere in the world. If you go traveling or you go on vacation for a short while then you don’t have to worry about taking time off work. You can have your fun during the day and then do some work or vice versa. 


One of the first things you need to think about is where you are going to stay while you are abroad. One of the issues you can run into is staying in places with patchy wifi, that is the last thing you need. As a freelancer, you rely on the internet quite a lot to get your work completed and sent in. When you are shopping around for the best accommodation be sure to check if they have wifi, not only that be sure to double-check that said wifi is free to use. Some places offer a certain amount of time free and then start charging per hour or day. 

You also need to ensure that you are comfy wherever you decide to work. This could be in your room or in the hotel lobby. Wherever you are working you also need to make sure that the wifi reaches. If not, you could always use your mobile hotspot but this could get expensive. 


Freelancers usually only need their laptops and maybe some headphones to avoid distractions. This is one of the few careers that means you can travel light with work. Pack up your stuff and be on your way to a brand new destination every day if you want. When you are planning to go abroad you need to ensure you have everything you need to be packed before you go. This avoids any last-minute hassle and stress about forgetting things. It is quite common for people to forget their chargers as they assume they can just buy them over there. You also need to make sure that if your plug is different from the country you are going to that you have an adapter. If you are having problems with your laptop running slow then it may have become clogged with files, the best way to sort this is to clear it using some apps. If you have a mac then a quick internet search of clean my mac will help you sort it and have your laptop up and running again in no time. 

Own Hours

One of the greatest things about being a freelancer is that you can set your own hours. This means you can work for a couple of hours in the morning, go for a swim, and then start back up with work after lunch. You could also spend the whole day working and then enjoy your evening or have some fun during the day and then work once the sun goes down. Whatever you decide to do make sure you don’t go over any deadlines as this could land you in hot water. Make sure you always have access to your emails so you can pick up work and reply to urgent requests when they come through.