Imagine that today is your lucky day. It is just one of those days. Everything is going your way and it almost seems too good to be true. You are in the airport waiting for the flight to your all inclusive beach front resort and you say “what the heck? I’ll ask if they can upgrade my seat because I am feeling lucky.” You begin your casual stroll to the check-in counter and all of a sudden, pearls of sweat begin rolling down your palms. Am I really about to ask for an upgrade? You think to yourself, as a butterfly flutters through your stomach. And there it is – that feeling – pride. You turn around half way and decide that you’ll just have to settle for what you have. Thank you. It is people like you, that open up the magical world of upgrades – for people like me.
Getting the golden ticket to sit in God’s arms is similar to scoring a suite in a posh hotel, or a better table at your favorite restaurant. Getting the latter free of charge – is absolutely magical. In the last year, I flew business 3 times, and economy comfort plus (via Delta & Air France) 3 times, and I scored a suite at a 5 star hotel in Abu Dhabi (just to name a few). Did I pay for any of these things? No, not a dime.
While I focus primarily on flight upgrades in this post, the majority of these rules can apply to … well, anything.
1. You Have Nothing to Lose.
2. Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
3. Compliment.
Start a conversation with a simple “Nice watch, wow where did you get it?” or “I love your hair, do you get it done like this for work every day?”
Sincere compliments are, of course, the best compliments to give. But I get it, sometimes you need to sugar coat it – and thats ok. You just made that persons day – and now he or she will at least try to help you.
4. Know Whom to Ask.
Whenever I book a flight in advance, I always give a quick call to customer service just to get my foot in the door. I call to ask if they can offer me better seats, perhaps seats closer to the front of the plane, a bulkhead seat, or an aisle seat – free of charge of course. This has to be done more than 24 hours before departure – when customer service still has control of your seat. Just because you’re not speaking to someone in person, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t follow steps 1, 2, and 3. As a matter of fact, if you’re a little shy, following steps 1, 2, and 3 should now be a breeze for you. Nothing to be embarrassed of. While on the phone, you can get a good idea whether your flight is full or not (I’ll explain the importance of this later). At the end of the call I always say something along the lines of, “Can you add a note to my name, maybe there will be an upgrade available” . The answer almost always will be no. But I have nothing to lose.
5. Full Flights are Good Flights.
6. Be REASONable.
7. Complain.
8. Be Loyal.
9. Become a Known Traveler.
10. Dress to Impress.
11. Upgrade in Disguise.
As soon as you hear the magic words: “Flight Attendants, boarding is now complete” – look around for empty seats. in a 3-4-3 layout airplane you might be one of the lucky people who sees an empty four seater and jumps on it. This happened to me 3 times last year. And to be honest, I think it is a better deal than business class. A whole row all to myself ? at 5’6″ – I can lay entirely stretched out, with four pillows under my head, four blankets, and four different shows that I can watch simultaneously. This is one of those things that you dont even have to ask the flight attendant for. Well, you can out of respect. But dont lose any time and move as soon as boarding is complete. It is also a good idea to ask if there are any empty seats available when you’re checking in. Always ask to see if there are any two seaters or four seaters currently empty – and jump on them. Especially on a long-haul flight – so worth it.