There’s much to love about a trip to – or within – the United States. There’s energy, there are world-class cities, there’s a population that is welcoming and open to showing you their culture. And it’s diverse. While places like New York and Los Angeles get all the press, there are a million and one different types of destinations in the States, from small towns to offbeat cities. Perhaps the best of America, though, is its nature. As one of the most beautiful countries on earth, there’s much for nature lovers to love. Below, we take a look at some of the best spots for wild explorers to visit.

To the Rocky Mountains
You can say that America is diverse, but a state? Yupp. Take a trip to Colorado, and you’ll have every kind of iconic scenery to explore. There are rocky red pillars, flowing rivers, desert-type landscapes, and of course, mountains. It’s this last one that draws so many people to the state. Rocky Mountain National Park is just about as good as it gets, with plenty of hiking, cycling, and camping opportunities. You might want to give yourself a fair amount of time to see everything if you’re going to Colorado!
The Great Lakes Region
The Great Lakes might not have the same global reputation as other big hitting US nature zones, but it should, because it’s as beautiful as anywhere else in the land. And actually, it has one thing that other places don’t have: peace. It’s a famous area, but it’s relatively off the beaten path. Take a trip up to Michigan, especially to the upper peninsula, and you’ll have beautiful freshwater lakes to swim in, plenty of state parks, and virtually no-one else all around. It’s an underrated gem.
Wild, Vast Alaska
The best US nature spot isn’t found in the lower 48. It’s located in Alaska, which is, in terms of the outdoors, far and away the best place for nature lovers to explore. Base yourself in a hotel in Anchorage near airport, and you’ll have plenty of magnificent views, trails, and wildlife viewing opportunities on your doorstep. Take your binoculars – and a camera – and you might just spot brown and black bears, eagles, and Dall sheep, among others. If you’re looking for something adventurous to do – and why not? – then get yourself into a kayak and onto the water. It’ll showcase the best of Alaska’s natural side, which is extensive. You’ll also want to spend some time in Fairbanks, which is located near to famous – and awesomely high – Denali National Park.
Arizona and Utah
If you’re more of a fly and drive type of person, then you might want to consider getting a set of wheels and exploring Arizona and Utah. The whole drive will be a joy as you pass through some of the best sights that the country – no, the world – has to offer. You’ll reach the summit of America’s nature offerings when you take a trip to the Grand Canyon, one of the world’s great wonders.